So lastly we’ve had some huge report for thenew iphone se3 or sc plus where we have been informed about the new chipset of an a14 or a15inside 5g capability and also more bulletin on the iphone se3 release date and cost let me sharewith you everything that has been recently said. The iphone se has had two explanations come outover the last five years we’ve had the first based on the iphone s motif that came out in2 016 with an iphone 6s chipset inside it the a9 then in 2020 we got the brand-new iphone sc that looksvery similar to an iphone 8 simulation but pieces an a13 chipset inside what is identical to the iphone11 models chipsets the iphone se is one of the best budget smartphones you can buy out thereas the toll starts at 400 us dollars and it’s requesting and it’s still faster than most of thetop line flagships in 2021 that will cost around three times as much as the iphone se the priceisn’t also the best factor the camera system is very good and likewise the knowledge of softwaresupport will be around for about four years utters this phone extremely petitioning to mid-rangebudget android antagonists out there so for all the new iphone se videos like this one you’re watchinggoing forwards i’m going to give you the latest details on specific leakages then details of the planrelease year day then a summing-up of the frameworks that are going to be secreted with all theirfeatures that we’ve learned in previous tournaments after i’m going to divulge my wish list for thenext iphone se also put in the comments below of what aspects you’d like to see in the next iphonesc as because in my next video i may peculiarity your note and discuss my beliefs around it so let’sjump right in with that iphone se3 reports so a brand-new report has come from digi ages via mac rumorswho has recently really uncovered some details about the brand new iphone se digi ages believes thatthe two biggest alters will be improves of 5g an upgraded processor put inside the iphone putting5g into apple’s budget iphone would be an absolute first and it means that people who want the iphoneexperience can have this and be connected to the internet high glow accelerates of what 5g makes usright now the improvement of chipset is most likely to be an a1 4 or even an a15 put inside the brand-new iphonesc is the reason why it would have to be an a1 4 or above is due in part to that conformity with a5g modem what at the moment is being supplied by qualcomm from my point of view i believe it ismost likely going to be an a1 5 chipset and this is down to when the iphone se is going to be releasedwhat i’ll talk about in a moment now time abruptly a immediate mention with openings being early and to be fairany discloses even up to the iphone se’s release date i find and i demonstrate you guys a lot of previous leaksfrom other apple makes have come true but there has been some that sometimes get misinterpretedbased on details that the leakers have been told i can only present to you what i’ve been toldand evidence so no law rumors are 100 true-blue until we look the final iphone se being present officiallyfrom apple however if you are like me and you’re likewise watching this video then you’re as curiousi am in knowing what the next generation iphone sc is going to be like and want to know what thelatest spills and rumors are no matter what they tell us for secrete appointment let’s be honest from theiphone firstly esse to the current one there was a four time breach between them nonetheless it is lookinglikely that gap will be even shorter for the next iphone se sit according to ming chi quo and nowdigi durations it is likely that the next iphone se will be coming out in early 2022. So from now oni’ll be referring to this iphone as the iphone se 2022 new iphone se the iphone se3 or even theiphone se plus what i’ll talk about in some more other leakages in other videos but for now when in2 022 are we most probably going to get our hands on this brand new iphone se well it is most likelywe’ll be getting it around procession or april time in 2022 and this is something that too quo has also confirmedin that it’s going to be released in q1 of 2022 based on the last two iphone se frameworks ofwhen they release the original iphone se was secreted on advance 31 st in 2016 and thenthe 2020 mannequin was launched on april 24 th it is believed that the next iphone se framework willbe launched around the same time and most probably announced at the first apple incident of 2022 whichis normally around mid-march to early april go based on the kind of last five years of appleevents that have happened at this time of year when we get nearer that actual time i can probablyreveal the actual exact date of when the iphone se will be available as more holes come on in soright now this canal is doing a giveaway at the moment and it is for this is for a macbook pro m1and i’ m going to be giving this away to one lucky customer when we get over 200 000 subscribers soif you want to be in a chance to get your hands on this backboard pro all i’d like to know from youguys in the comments below is what apple gear do you plan to get in 2021 maybe you’re planninggetting a brand-new iphone or a macbook or even an ipad for example let me know in the commentsbelow and when we get over 200 000 subscribers i will be uncovering who the win is butmake sure you subscribe to this channel touched that notification buzzer because when weget over that 200 000 mark you’ll want to get the notification of that video of when iannounce who the winner is and it could be you at the same time as well you’re feeling good andgenerous smash that like button at the same time for this video with the latest discloses and releasedate out of the way let’s move on to a epitome of everything we know so far that previous leakages havepainted a picture of the details of the new iphone se with its cost as well so as i mentioned it isstill awfully very early days for the new iphone se3 or iphone se plus and you’ll understand what i’m goingto call it the iphone se plus in precisely a few seconds some of these spills that we’ve had have beenlike one mission of the scale and then the others have been at the other end of the scale of assessments and as imake more further videos into the future hopefully a good deal of this information will be cleared upbut at the moment for example with the iphone se3 for the expose it is looking likelywe’re either going to be getting a 4.7 inch or we’re going to be getting a 6.1 inch nowthat 4.7 inch if it does come true will be an lcd parade and apply us a resolution of 1334 by 750. And if you know anything right now this is basically identical to the current iphone sethat is out right now or even the iphone 8 as well but if we do get the 6.1 inch lcd showing thiswill be very similar to what you get on the iphone xr or too the iphone 11 kind of ordinary modelit’s a 6.1 inch presentation and again that comes in with a resolution of 2532 by 1170 and it will bea 60 hertz refresh proportion there’ll be no pro flow no 120 hertz because this in the day is the budgetiphone there will be a total of four gigabytes of ram inside this new iphone this is a bump up afterthe last generation will only had three gigabytes inside and then for storage alternatives there’s onlygoing to be two hand-pickeds this period of 128 gigabytes or 256 gigabytes storage alternative if you required morestorage this is what the iphone 12 or the iphone 13 is all about so you can buy a more speckedup sud with a big amount of storage inside for chipset inside due to its release coming out earlynext year it is looking likely that we’d get an a1 5 bionic put inside this and there will alsobe 5g connectivity will be an absolute first for an iphone se model to have so it’s really goodto see this the actual mas will be made out of an aluminium body and then on the rear again thisis a thing that’s kind of a conflict a little bit there will either has become a 12 megapixel single cameraor there’ll be a dual camera setup what is very similar to what we get on the iphone 11 or on theiphone 12 models right now we’re just the normal ones not the pro for battery life it dependsagain if we’re going to be getting that 4.7 inch or if we’re going to be getting the 6.1 inchdisplay so if we do be brought to an end with the 4.7 inch we’ll probably be getting a 1 821 milliampbattery inside but if we do get the 6.1 inch then we’ll be get a 3 110 milliamp batteryinside the base mannequins are looking like it’s going to be 429 u.s. dollars for the 128 gigabyte modeland then 479 u.s. dollars for the 256 gigabyte model as i’ve said already people it is likely that thesespecs and bits and pieces will change over time but this is just a picture of everything thathas come in through spills right now so that is a summary of the new iphone se however formy thoughts and desires my intention is actually do with the actual colors well like thecolors of the new iphone 12 sits for example and i’m hopeful that the iphone se could get someof these colorings if possible right now there’s only a selection of white black and red on the currentiphone se well it’s still really good and i can semi understand why that is because you know thisis just the budget iphone so there’s not going to be too many emblazons out there but it would begood to see a few more available but those are my chooses for the iphone se but let me know yourthoughts if you agree on this or not and write in the comments below what your wishes would befor the brand-new iphone se well guys it’s time to wrap up this video so if you have enjoyed watching itplease make sure to like the video and at the same time if you want to hear the latest apple newsreviews and comparisons satisfy make sure to reach the agree button followed by the notificationbell until next time i’ll see you soon
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